Amazing Leadership conference!

Hi there,

Today I’m going to be talking about ‘Leadership day’ this was a day when we got together with other year 6’s from another school, i was in purple team! This group had Me, Harvey, Ananya, Izzy, Lara, Stav, Henry, Charlie, Michelle, Abby, and Jack. We had to compete in many challenges such as who can build the largest paper tower, and cup/ cup stacking. The one I’m talking about today is… The planking competition!

The planking competition was about which team could hold the pose plank for the longest period of time. But we had to have over half of our team planking which since we were 11 we had to have 6 on at a time. We made a word when we needed to swap, ours was purple, imaginative right? Seriously i liked it though. The person couldn’t get up till the replacement was in the planking pose, it stated with Harvey, Charlie, Abby, Michelle, Lara, and Jack. After a bit we got the hang of it. But each time the replacement didn’t hear somebody others would say “___ said purple! We need the next person for them.” Towards the end it was harder we were getting weaker. But we tried extra hard remembering the prize was food. It motivated us one team down, then the next. Before we knew it we were i the last 4 teams. It gave us more pressure. Until the unthinkable happened to us. Out! Said the judge. We had only 5 on.

The winners were the Lime green team. They left to get their prize but they were asked “if you could would you share your prize with everybody else?” They said yes! Turns out the prize were icy poles, they were so good.not all winners are mean, they were a good sport.

Something things I learnt was that I can hold a plank, I’m good at listening to my team mates,and it was actually fun, as soon as they said there was a food for the prize it motivated everyone you could hear all the gasps. Something i learnt about my members, well they are all smart, strong and they all know how to communicate with each other for the most part clearly.

Thanks for sticking around and reading about my first Leadership conference,

