My amazing adaptation findings!

Crunch….crunch….crunch….it pounces. Catching a small lizard, the Fennec Fox hears everything with it significantly large ears. It blends into the desert floor because of its sand coloured fur, this helps it keep safe. Water? No the fennec fox doesn’t need much. This fox lasts days without water. It’s on the go the Fennec Fox can run on all the hot rocks and sand because of its thick fur on the pads of its feet. You don’t want to be in the desert with this creature in malting season!

The Fennec Fox is the smallest of Fox in the world! The Fennec Fox has large ears and a bushy black tipped tail, their colours can vary from white to a pale reddish orange. If you see something small and furry but your not sure if it’s an animal or sand and you’re in one of the areas that I will be talking about later, it’s probably a Fennec Fox, try not to scare or make it frightened, because if you do it will become agitated and will either just swipe or snap.

They are usually found eating insects, lizards, small mammals, bird eggs, fruit, bulbs, Omnivore, and when water is available in they take it. They eat many things such as those if they can’t find them they will eat dried/dead plants.

They are nocturnal so you fill not find them in the day if you do by chance find them they will be in a deep hole that they live in during the day. This is because they don’t want to risk getting caught/ killed by bigger animals/Predators, so they use the technique of hunting at night so it’s easier to catch prey because they can sneak up on their sleeping victims.

You can only find them in the Deserts of Northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The places you will find these creatures are in the specific deserts, you cant really find them in any other deserts around the world, like you will not find them in Australia, Russia, USA, as a last thing that I am saying because there are many places that there are not found so to make it more simple I am going to say Asia, so if you find a Fennec Fox in these areas it would have been brought there by someone or something.

So this is my blog post of my learnings/findings about fennec foxes during our adaptation unit thank you or sticking around for this’s blog post I hav enjoyed doing all the research it has been really fun and enjoyable writing this posts thank you

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